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Last week in Florida

Ileana took me to El Jefe Luchador and our lives changed.

IT WAS SO GOOD I WENT HOME AND YELPED ABOUT IT RIGHT AWAY. I never do that..but I had to tell someone...their name is Yelp. The grilled mahi fish taco was on point tho. I felt like I was back in LA eating from a taco truck.

My date engulfed in the hockey game. She loves chocolate milk shakes.

We went to Target to get milk and creamer, but the shoes were on sale so....

My mom kept saying "take some carambola for Kiersten" and I'm like "WHAT IS CARAMBOLA" which is just the real name for starfruit.

No jamaican fruit for puppies! Sorry Hank!

Kiersten bought the Kardashian OPI - "Rainbow in the S-Kylie" and it instantly makes any nail a party nail.

My sweet sweet Elena, and some sweet sweet irish car bombs

THE TRIPLETS!!!!! They came from the same womb, on the same day back in 1986.

When Ileana took me to El Jefe Luchador, I immediately thought, I GOTTA TAKE ELENA HERE. SHE WILL LOVE IT.

Elena has so much vinyl. Her collection is NO JOKE

Elena just got instagram, and maybe it's a good thing that I don't have an iPhone. Otherwise all I would do is take pictures with other people's dogs and then use a cool filter.

Lola is a rat dog. The only chihuahua I will love.

So back at my old job we used to have leftover birthday cake all the time. One time I smushed a piece and it is seriously the greatest feeling between your fingers. WARNING: You need Dawn near by to wash off the grease from all frostings. ANYHOO, The cheesecake factory gives you way too much whip cream with your cheesecake. Even though I was with my parents, I went and smushed it. and then told my dad YOU GOTTA SMUSH IT.



This caught our eye and we still don't understand it. Brian got it and said they basically fry kool-aid slushie balls..but still.. what????

YO THEY PLAYED "HOLD MY HAND" and "IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT" -- KIERSTEN AND I WERE SO HAPPY. They didn't play anything from Coming Home on the last tour.

New Found Glory can get it.

Old timey photos are now tradition.


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